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I’m Bill Tuttle, the Vice President of Engineering at San Jose Water. Our engineers oversee complex, professional civil and mechanical work related to the design, construction and project management of SJW water facilities such as new and replacement wells, chemical and potable water storage tanks, pressure regulating stations, booster pump stations, water treatment and disinfection facilities, and pipelines.

The engineering team works closely with many other departments including Operations and our Distribution System department. We also work with Accounting and Legal. Occasionally, we'll do some work with customer service and field service. As engineers, we are problem solvers — always looking for ways to take things to the next level to deliver the best service to our customers.

Bill Tuttle atop Mt. Hamilton
Bill admiring the view atop Mt. Hamilton

My favorite part of the job is working with our great staff and engineers. We also have a lot of young employees who bring great energy to our office. I’m lucky to be able to interact with many good people in my role who I am proud to call my colleagues.

I’ve been working at San Jose Water for over 20 years. My career began in the Navy where I was an officer on submarines. After that, I held positions at private firms for about nine years and then came to San Jose Water. I’ve held a few different positions at SJW including Asst. Chief Engineer - Planning and Development. In 2020, I became the Vice President of Engineering.

For young professionals looking to get into the water industry, one of the best ways to gain experience is through an internship. Other ways to learn about the industry or a specific company is to network with employees. Ask employees what they do and what they like about their jobs. There are so many different positions within the water industry that students might not be aware of. Attending professional events or watching videos online showcasing different aspects of the water industry can give young professionals more insight into the work we do.

From working at San Jose Water, I understand the importance of conservation and choose to do my part by buying a water-efficient washer and dishwasher. We also have a low flow toilet.

When I’m not working, you can find me hiking, riding my bike, or going out to the movies. I enjoy spending time with my daughter and stepson when they’re in town from college. Doing yard work is another way I spend my time. I enjoy long distance bicycle rides and have even ridden my bike from Vancouver, Canada to California.